What is ACID in Databases ?


Atomicity: Imagine you’re transferring money between accounts. If the transfer involves debiting one account and crediting another, atomicity ensures that either both actions happen successfully, or none at all. So, if there’s an issue during the transfer, the entire transaction is canceled to maintain consistency.

Consistency: Picture an online store processing orders. When you place an order, the system must ensure that the products are deducted from the inventory and your account is charged correctly. Consistency guarantees that the database remains in a valid state after each transaction, preventing any discrepancies.

Isolation: Think of a banking scenario again. You’re withdrawing cash from an ATM while someone else is depositing a check at the same time. Isolation ensures that these transactions don’t interfere with each other. Each transaction operates independently, unaware of others happening simultaneously, to avoid conflicts.

Durability: Consider a social media platform where you post updates. Once you hit ‘post,’ you expect your update to be saved, even if there’s a server crash or power outage. Durability ensures that your data is safely stored and accessible, even in the face of unexpected events.

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